Lockdown Content 1

 Lockdown Stories - ITV

Lockdown stories was a series of shorts created by ITV during the first of the national lockdowns in the united kingdom. The screenshot above was from episode three - a drama about a hypochondriac talking to a therapist. Straight away, you notice the differences in this series to one that was filmed and created not in a national lockdown. The most noticeable thing is that the whole short is set over a zoom call. There are only two actors and they both communicate via this zoom call. This is fitting with the times as the narrative of the story is set in the current day (corona). This allows it to fit with social distancing. 

The whole show seems to have been filmed on webcams which is a complete contrast to a normal tv drama which would be filmed on massive high definition cameras.


1. What were the creative limitations faced by ITV by the imposition of Lockdown rules?

ITV took on something they knew would be challenging by creating a drama in lockdown. In the article is highlights one of the main issues being that, because it was a drama production and not a news production it would have been extremely hard to gather the production team and actors needed while following coronavirus social distancing precautions. 

2. What was the impact on technical crew of Lockdown restrictions?

The article talks about how because it was not key media members of the production team were not aloud to travel around meaning the technical crew could not go to the shooting locations. However, sometimes they were in need of an extra cameraman to prevent them all looking like blogs. In order to do this they got people that were living with the actors to become camera men.

3. What creative solutions were found for each of the following production stages:  - WRITING - REHEARSALS - FILMING - EDITING

- Filming was done by people living with the actors. Most of which were not already in said profession.
- Writing came about when the writer was inspired by unfortunate events in his life. The script was written so characters do not go outside.
- Rehearsals happened over zoom
- Editing was done by the directors at home and then bounced around to post production houses.

Two Videos

1. Staged - https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p08dpqb9/staged-series-1-1-cachu-hwch

Shot types - In both of these videos the shot types are very similar. They are often very simple wide shots or mid shots pointed directly at some. This is due to the complications of people who are not trained in cameras or filming, filming.

Two similar shots, one from each show:

Visuals - Once again, we see a similarity. This is the fact there is very minimal visuals over the original footage.

Editing - Throughout both of the shows the only real editing we see it cuts to another shot and some credits put in.

Narrative - The narrative of both of these is important. They are both similar in the way that in each scene or shot they only involve members of one household. This was to comply with social distancing rules and make for safe filming.


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